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>i thought that was specifically for smart phones.Firefox Portable application is free to download and offers easy-to-install, easy-to-use, secure, and reliable Browsers and Plugins applications. Cheat Engine 6.8.1 Cheating for experts Internet Explorer 10 10 Microsoft’s latest version of Internet Explorer. 0 Advanced multi track sound editing program. Download Now Mozilla Firefox Portable 56.0.1 (External server) Macromedia Flash 8 8.0 Macromedia Flash 8 Professional.

Firefox Portable PM Too
Firefox Software Incorrectly And
Hence my original post.'-}}.I'm currently running 3 different Firefox portable versions-47, 50 and 52-along with "regular" (non-portable, "stationary"?) Firefox version (28-last version before mozilla went totally 'round the bend) and PaleMoon (stationary but thinking about installing a portable PM too).I don't see any issue making a portable browser as the system default, as long as you are not really taking it anywhere else, such that clicking on the icon may yield an error message if it is missing.Sometimes I manually make custom quick-launch shortcuts for my 'semi-portable' browsers, but often I just open the first folder and click the launch icon.I run several portables regularly, including recent but not newest versions of Pale Moon (25.8.1), SeaMonkey (2.40), and occasionally FireFox (52.x ESR).The newest browser versions break some (or all, in the sad case of FF) of my extensions.>I don't see any issue making a portable browser as the system default, as long as you are not really taking it anywhere else, such that clicking on the icon may yield an error message if it is missing.See.great minds think alike so yeah.that was my thought also.I really have fallen in love with the portable browser approach as it makes it so easy to play with the settings and tweak things-even if for just the simple setting that allows you to easily run mulitple Firefox instances (I sometimes have 28, 47 and 52 open simultaneously). I'm currently running 3 different Firefox portable versions-47, 50 and 52-along with "regular" (non-portable, "stationary"?) Firefox version (28-last version before mozilla went totally 'round the bend) and PaleMoon (stationary but thinking about installing a portable PM too).Anyway.I have my FF28 set as my default browser but began wondering if there were any downsides to making a portable version the default browser. Released: - 6 years ago.I starting playing with portable browser versions about 2 years ago and after my first bungled attempt at use-didn't realize that I was starting the software incorrectly and then had a terrible time uninstalling because I misunderstood how the install worked-it took me about 6 months to try it again and since then I've become quite enamored of them.
I also can't find what exactly is being called when FF47Portable was set as the default browser-look in Set Default Programs wasn't enlightening.>What this does is turn your portable "install" into a custom local install (what the OP is calling "stationary" here ) by creating your profile folder in the standard user profile location for your system, which eliminates whatever portability you were hoping to take advantage of.First.I started using "stationary" as a way of differentiating between a portable version installed on a local drive (with no expectation of the portable being moved after the install) and one whose underlying characteristic was not portable/movable (as in your regular old ordinary version always installed locally), that is, designed to always be."stationary". I think that the removal has something to do with a compatibility setting although I can't find anything in about:config that might be pertinent. The interesting thing is that after closing this ersatz FF47Portable and then opening FF47Portable via my desktop shortcut, all my addons-including CTR-are there so something different is being called when clicking on the email link.Not have CTR is so annoying that I went back to setting FF28 as my default browser. I'm planning on getting at least one Palemoon portable-I'm still using an older version of PM for most of my browsing-and also to take a look at SeaMonkey.>The newest browser versions break some (or all, in the sad case of FF) of my extensions.Yeah.I've been avoiding FF57 ((I think it's 57 that derailed addons?).>And of course you will report back, if it does not set your home on fire.Well.fortunately my house is intact but.after setting FF47Portable as my default browser, when I clicked on a link in an email, what opened was indeed FF47Portable BUT!!! Classic Theme Restorer addon had been removed by some flashedbytooquicktoreallyread "initial opener" crap.

But if you click a URL and Firefox Portable isn't running, it starts Firefox up in local mode and creates a local profile."And, that ".creates a local profile " is in appdata\roaming\mozilla\firefox\profiles\. It sets the copy of Firefox within Firefox Portable as your default. Haller-portableapps.com forum user:"If you set Firefox Portable as your default browser within the browser itself, it doesn't set Firefox Portable as your default browser. Basically, what I've learned is that taking a page from the pre-portable multiple Firefox versions approach would probably work better-as in creating a separate appdata\roaming\mozilla\firefox profile and getting that new profile to be used when setting a portable as the default browser.Thanks so much for that link which leads to a link to the portableapps.com forum posting with very useful info (see: » portableapps.com/node/57753 ) with one particular post pretty much answering the question I originally posed:User John T.